Animal welfare, Farming, Veganism explained Andrew Gough Animal welfare, Farming, Veganism explained Andrew Gough

Did hard rock has-been Ted Nugent accuse his vegan son of being “responsible for the most death possible”?

Outspoken musician Ted Nugent has a history of expressing controversial opinions, whether it be to call Obama a “subhuman mongrel” or argue that the US should have done to Iraq what it did to Nagasaki. Now the avid hunter has invoked the anti-vegan crop deaths argument once again, despite the fact that his son and close friend are both vegans.

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Vegan Fact Checker, Animal welfare Ed Winters Vegan Fact Checker, Animal welfare Ed Winters

DEBUNKED: Do vegans kill more animals through crop deaths?

Ted Nugent went on the Joe Rogan Experience podcast in 2018 and claimed that those who follow a vegan lifestyle are responsible for more animal deaths through the harvesting of crops and use of fertilisers and pesticides than people who choose to consume animals directly. Is there any substance to this oft-used argument against veganism?

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