Everybody suffers when we exploit others.

The result of exploitation can only ever be suffering - and humanity is beginning to feel the impact of what we have done to non-human animals.

Our campaign has effectively raised mass awareness to the threat that antibiotic resistance has on humankind, as well as to the fact that the 2019-nCoV is a direct result of animal exploitation.

2019-nCoV is similar to other coronaviruses, such as acute respiratory syndrome (SARS) and Middle East respiratory syndrome (MERS). These diseases spread from animals to humans, and research from the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention shows that more than 75% of emerging diseases originate in animals

The new coronavirus is reported as starting in an animal market, where wild animals and live animals are traded. Meaning that again, in the same way as outbreaks have been caused in the past, our exploitation of non-human animals has created the new coronavirus outbreak.

Everybody suffers when we exploit others. Is this an absurdity that we will recognise and prevent from getting worse, or will we continue to turn a blind eye and then in the future look at our children and tell them we’re sorry but bacon tasted too good?