One-in-three Brits say vegan diet is “admirable”


NEWS: More than a third of people in the UK are interested in becoming vegan, according to a new survey, with 36 per cent believing that eating plant-based is an “admirable thing to do”.

The YouGov poll, commissioned by Veganuary, surveyed more than 2,000 adults about their attitudes towards a more compassionate, plant-based lifestyle free of animal products. 

Eight per cent of respondents said they were already eating a solely plant-based diet, trumping previous estimates of the number of vegans in the UK.

In 2019, the Vegan Society said there were around 600,000 adults following the vegan lifestyle, just one per cent of the UK population, while market research group Kantar put the figure at 1.9 per cent last year. The latest Veganuary YouGov poll has revealed that numbers have at least tripled since the Kantar survey.

“As more people become aware of the incredible impact our food choices have on our day-to-day wellbeing and the health of our planet, attitudes towards eating vegan are changing,” said Toni Vernelli, head of communications at Veganuary. 

“It is incredibly exciting to see one-third of Brits now interested in trying a vegan or plant-based diet, something that would have been inconceivable just a few years ago.”

Promotion for Veganuary 2022 started today with adverts in 500 cinemas across the country, starring Hollywood actor James Cromwell.

The news follows other reports of positive consumer trends towards vegan and plant-based diets. Earlier this month, Surge reported on a survey by leading taste and nutrition company Kerry, which found that 61 per cent of consumers across the world described plants as their preferred protein source.

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Andrew Gough is Media and Investigations Manager for Surge.

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