Surge 2019: Visual Identity & Rebrand

We are incredibly excited to announce both the relaunch of the Surge website, and of our overall visual identity. Since Surge was founded in 2016, we maintained our original logo featuring a rising fist to represent moving forward, progressing, and rising up against the industries which exploit and murder animals. This remains at the heart of what we do at Surge. However in 2019, we decided to change up our visual identity, moving towards a strong, solid visual identity which represents the strength of the animal rights movement as a united, unmoving and collective force against animal oppression.


The visual identity of Surge contributes to the overall impression of our work as a new animal rights organisation. After many different designs and discussions, we feel our new identity increases our visual impact and shows strength, unity and represents how as a movement, we will not be moved, we will continue to push forward until we end all animal oppression.

We hope you love our new look, and what we have planned for the future of Surge.


Dismantle Dairy Campaign Goes Live


Surge Campaigning C.I.C. update